21 SecurIT-funded Projects Revealed - Two Projects with Dutch Involvement

15 Aug 2023
Author: HSD Foundation

During the kick-off meeting of the SecurIT Open Call #2 held in Vilnius the 12-months support programme has officially launched and the list of the 21 selected projects has been revealed, including several Dutch companies. The day was an opportunity for all the SME projects partners to introduce themselves, meet the consortium members and the other projects. Participants pitched their innovative digital solutions contributing to safer, more secure and resilient smart cities and territories.


The consortium members presented the main lines, milestones and conditions of the support programme during the first part of the meeting, before leaving the floor to the projects for their pitches. The project FusionSec, an Open Call#1 beneficiary, presented their work and experience and provided insightfull advice to the newly selected projects. After a networking lunch the Lithuanian Police, partner for the final demonstration of FusionSec, delivered an inspiring keynote on “The power of co-creation from end-user perspective”.


The 21 selected projects consist of 47 different SMEs from 17 European countries. Also included are three Dutch companies, with Bubl N.V. working on the INVISIBuBL project alongside a French partner, and D-Visor B.V. and CNTRL B.V. working on the SAFE-FESTIVALS project with an Italian partner.


For more information on these projects, see the posters below, or the SecurIT website: https://securit-project.eu/2nd-batch-of-securit-funded-projects/#


Schermafbeelding 2023 08 14 om 11.46.44


Schermafbeelding 2023 08 14 om 11.46.56

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