The Dutch UNconference AI

08 May 2023
12:45h - 17:45h
Mondai | House of AI – Delft
Organised by:
Monday House of AI, InnovationQuarter, YES! Delft, NL AI Coalitie

The first Dutch UNconference on AI is an event where startup founders and CTOs in the AI space can build new connections with their peers, share their challenges and successes, and accelerate their learning progress.


The intimate setting of an UNconference enables peer-to-peer learning on topics that are chosen by the participants based on the challenges they are currently facing. The event begins with individual brainstorming of relevant topics, followed by a plenary session to set the agenda. Afterwards parallel breakout sessions are formed per topic with experts to give advice and facilitators to guide the conversation. Finally, all the learnings are shared in a closing plenary session.


During the event, founders and CTOs can gather new insights from the advice of experts and the experiences of their peers, build new strong connections and share their own experiences with others in the industry. In addition, the Dutch UNconference on AI is an opportunity for networking with like-minded individuals.


12:45 – 13:00  Walk in
13:00 – 13:30  Lunch
13:30 – 13:45  Welcome & Introduction
13:45 – 14:30  Set Agenda
14:30 – 16:30  Three breakout sessions (40min per session)
16:30 – 16:45  Plenary Session: Share what we’ve learned
16:45 – 17:45  Network drinks

HSD Partners involved