Identity Innovation Award
IDnext, EEMA and TDL recognize and support new innovations that will shape the future of our digital world. A jury consisting of experts and professionals judges the submissions.
The submission for the Identity innovation award should be an innovative project, concept, service or product in the area of digital identity.
Submissions will be judged on
- Innovative – How innovative is the submission, e.g., technological or business model
- Success & impact – where the jury members will also consider expected future impact
- Privacy – is there a positive impact on privacy, has privacy been sufficiently considered
- End-user value – what is the value from the perspective of the end-user/citizen, also where applicable the perspective of other stakeholders will be taken into account.
Award ceremony is at the TDW event on 15th June 2016.
Nominations must reach the Innovation Identity award committee by May 31, 2016. The jury maintains the right to reject nominations reaching the award committee after this date, or which are incomplete or otherwise invalid.
Worldwide experts, innovators and key players in the world of Digital Identity will address the most relevant issues in the fields of security, mobility, privacy and much more – informing a highly qualified audience on the evolution of the digital identity upon which future developments will be built.
Across the various tracks of the event, catalysed networking opportunities will bring together experts and professionals from the industry, government representatives, innovators and (pioneering) end-users. Active participation in the conference offers unique opportunities of interaction, dissemination of knowledge and exchanging experiences with your peers.
The format of the event consists of a mixture of practical demonstrations, presentations, panel discussions and “un-conference” sessions covering key challenges, visions and strategies. This conference is an indispensable event for those in business, public sector and government who are involved in the policy, security, systems and processes surrounding trust.
More information about TDW event, can be found here.