Digital Identity and e-Business

15 June 2016 - 16 June 2016
09:00h - 17:00h
Postillion Hotel Bunnik
Organised by:
Digital Identity and e-Business is a two days conference aiming at supporting a broad audience with the many possibilities and opportunties that e-business offer. This concerns both businesses and consumers. It has become common practice to handle your business electronically. Digital Identity and e-Businessaddresses influential trends and the way these can be anticipated here in The Netherlands. We will look at The Netherlands as being a provider of transaction services, while we will not avoid long term views and ambitions.

By cleverly applying electronic building blocks higher efficiency can be achieved, while improving user convenience. The conference will show how electronic identities, trust services, contracting and electronic invoicing are constituting these basic building blocks, and how these can be improved by new technological developments

National and International
In order to properly address both national as international aspects of e-business and digital identity, the congress is split into a international and national part:
Day 1 (15 June) focuses on international opportunities and developments
Day 2 (16 June) addresses the Dutch market. The conference on Day 2 is coinciding with the ECP yearly update on electronic identities.
The first day will be held largely in English, while the second day will be in the Dutch language.