Counterterrorism and Applied Intelligence Course

18 March 2015 - 20 March 2015
09:00h - 17:00h
Park Hotel, The Hague
Organised by:
Lowlands Solutions Netherlands (LSN)

On 18-20 March 2015 Lowlands Solutions Netherlands (LSN) will be presenting a three-day, 26 hours, course on Counterterrorism (CT) and Applied Intelligence at the Park Hotel in The Hague, Netherlands.

This three day (26 hour) “hands-on” program will provide the attendee with a comprehensive overview of the phenomenon of terrorism, basic counterterrorism techniques and the fundamental difference between information and (applied) intelligence in which focus will be given to Financial Intelligence, Cyber Security & Cyber Intelligence and Intelligence Analysis (IA).

During the course you will encounter numerous instructors with a background at the Dutch Ministry of Defence (Intelligence), EUROPOL, London Metropolitan University, The Hague University (THU) of Applied Science, the George C. Marshall Center (GCMC) for European Security Studies and the Atlantic Treaty Association (ATA).

Click here for the new course blog.