Conference Radicalisation and Terrorism
On Monday 11 January, politicians from more than 50 countries gathered in The Hague for a summit on counterterrorism. At the meeting, organised by the Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF), intelligence sharing and the prevention of jihadist recruitment were discussed. After the Nuclear Security Summit and Global Conference on CyberSpace 2015, it is yet another important international meeting on security cooperation taking place in The Hague. As radicalisation is again an important issue for peace and security, a conference on Radicalisation and Terrorism will be organised at the HSD Campus on 31 May 2016. Government, science and business experts, including Rob de Wijk (Strategic Advisor of HSD and Director of The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies), will share their insights on this topic.
The Netherlands is co-chair of the GCTF along with Turkey. The organisation was set up in 2011 on the initiative of the US government as a meeting point for counterintelligence experts from around the world.
Conference Radicalisation and terrorism
HSD-relations get a discount. They only pay € 299,- if they register via the special HSD-link. Click here for more information or download the brochure of the conference here. The program of the conference consist of a plenary program and a lot of different interactive sessions and exhibition space. If you have any suggestions about speakers or case studies, send an email to the conference manager, Frank van Summeren: