Prof. Dr. J.P.L. van Marissing
071 – 516 8000
Boommarkt 1, 2311 EA Leiden

Webster University offers a Cybersecurity Graduate Program and operates four cyber labs.

The Cybersecurity Graduate Program offered by Webster University focuses on cyber crime, cyber fraud and cyber espionage. Students and professionals are prepared for positions in public and private sectors overseeing, operating or protecting critical computer systems, information, networks, infrastructures and communications networks.

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Students who complete the cybersecurity master's degree (or graduate certificate program) are able to effectively propose solutions to securing cyber networks and ensure online security, as they apply cybersecurity to:

  • Digital Information protection

  • Cyber Terrorism

  • Cyber Fraud & theft

  • Cyber Intelligence & counterintelligence

  • Digital forensics

  • Pre-emptive and strategic force operation application situations

Webster’s master’s degree program in cybersecurity was established in 2014. The U.S. Air Force Space Command approached Webster University to create the program because it had 1,400 employees who needed training in cybersecurity. The Cybersecurity Program is also now available at Webster University in Leiden/Amsterdam.

The four Cyber Labs are the laboratories used to support safe and scientifically valid research, experimentation, collaboration, and learning: 

  1. The Cybersecurity Networking Laboratory is a safe place to explore the limits of cyberspace. Remote access is supported for global research and experimentation.
  2. The Emanations Laboratory uses sound, light, and radio frequencies to exchange information, experiment on signaling and interference, and test the limits of communications, interception, and interference.
  3. The Knowledge Sharing Laboratory supports the information sharing mission and provides a rich environment for supporting and exploring the limits of collaboration.
  4.  The Web Services Laboratory is the external interface to the Cyber Labs. It supports teaching and experimentation and acts as an access portal to our other Cyber Labs.

Webster University is an American university, founded in 1915, with more than 17,000 students studying at campus locations in North America, Europe, Asia and Africa.