Patrick van der Leelie
088 - 5921160
Delftlaan 325
2024 CH Haarlem

NVD Security Group (NVD) belongs to the top 4 market players in the Netherlands. NVD exists since 1909 and is the oldest independent private security organisation in the Netherlands. NVD is headquartered in Haarlem and has several local offices. NVD combines the continuity of a large organisation with the flexibility of a small business and stands for a safer living, working and everyday environment by offering a total package of security solutions.


These security solutions have been relied on for more than a century. High quality, personal contact and professional care are at the heart of our services. Thanks to well trained staff, advanced technology and intensive collaboration with expert partners, NVD addresses every security need, both for its private and business relations.


Our services can be categorised in: an Emergency/Security Centre, Mobile Surveillance, Object Security, Technical Solutions, Information Security and Instruction and Training.


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