+44 (0)1793 417453
1st Floor Block D, North Star House
North Star Avenue
Swindon, Wiltshire
SN2 1FA United Kingdom

The Information Assurance Advisory Council (IAAC) mission is to advance Information Assurance (IA) to ensure that the UK’s Information Society has a robust, resilient and secure foundation. Further, IAAC intends that users of digital products and services should be confident these are safe and secure for them, their families and their businesses.


IAAC is engaged in the development of policy recommendations to government and corporate leaders at the highest levels. We have established a unique reputation for being a neutral honest broker of ideas focussed on emerging information assurance issues that are not yet being considered by other parties. IAAC believes that no single UK sector can create a safe and secure information society by itself. Our strategy is therefore that Government, the private sector, academia and others need to work together to create a common vision of the future Information Society that informs a shared understanding of the main information assurance challenges and cyber security challenges to be addressed.
We invite all interested people to our workshops and encourage them to join in the highly animated debates that normally take place. All our products are put free of charge in the public domain as soon as they are published.