8600 Silkeborg
CenSec is the prime Danish cluster organisation for companies with an interest in high tech industries like defence, homeland security, maritime, space, aerospace and railway. CenSec is supported by The Danish Ministry of Higher Education & Science, The Danish Ministry of Business and Growth and the Central Denmark Region. CenSec was founded in 2004 as a network – and established in 2007 as an industrial cluster. On July 1 2014 CenSec was appointed as head of the newly established Danish National Innovation Cluster for Production (Inno-Pro - www.inno-pro.dk) by the Danish Ministery of Higher Education and Science. CenSec cooperates closely with industry trade organizations, authorities and clusters within all relevant industries.
The mission is to develop business networks among small and medium-sized companies within the defence, space and security industry as well as adjacent high-tech industries and to offer assistance to business members to improve market knowledge, competences and education enabling them to participate in business networks.
By 2020, CenSec wants to be developed into one of the best and most recognised cluster organisations in Europe to establish business networks, which create visible, measurable and sustained results for its business members. Also by 2020, CenSec wants to have established close cooperative relations with the essential innovation stakeholders in Denmark and internationally – particularly in Europe, in order to become one of the Denmark’s best and most recognised innovation clusters.
Thematically CenSec focuses on the following networks:
Homeland Security