Web11 Conference: Let's build a better web!

30 September 2016
Het Paleis in Groningen
Organised by:

Web11 Conference: Let's build a better web!

The Web11 tech conference is where software and business professionals meet to discuss the broad range of technologies needed to build a better web.


What is Web11?

Connecting everything to the web can make the world a better place. If we do so responsibly. This requires web technology that has transparency, autonomy, decentralisation, security and privacy in its DNA. And a new approach to building connected software systems you understand and control. The future is already here so now is the time to make the right choices and work on technology we trust.


This year's special theme: IoT & Smart industry

IoT and 'smart industry' are two trends caused by the web increasingly permeating our physical world. This creates both huge opportunities and threats.


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