Symposium Security Narratives
The symposium will be conducted in the context of a Knowledge Alliance on International Security Management (ISM-KA, and will be followed in the afternoon by the inauguration of Prof. Dr. Gabriele Jacobs.
09:30 Registration – coffee and enrolment workshops
10:00 Opening by Prof. Dr. Gabriele Jacobs, Co-Director Centre of Excellence in Public Safety Management (CESAM) and Co-ordinator ISM-KA project
10:15 Welcome by Prof. Dr. Steef van de Velde, Dean, Rotterdam School of Management (RSM)
10:25 Keynotes:
Dieter Schürmann, Police General Director of Investigation (Landeskriminaldirektor) Ministry of the Interior of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Governmental and private security organisations: competition or co-operation?
Dr. Milton de Sousa, Associate Dean for Institutional Relations and International Development Nova School of Business and Economics, Lisbon, Portugal
Co-creation, public leadership and organisations in the context of security
Adriaan van Dorp, Managing Director Security & Integrity Management / Deputy Head of Compliance ABN AMRO Bank NV, Compliance| Security & Integrity Management, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
From acting compliant towards acting with integrity – public security as a shared value creator
11:00 Art performance by Willem de Kooning Academie introduced by Teana Boston-Mammah, Coordinator Minor Cultural Diversity, Willem de Kooning Academie
11:15 Coffee break
11.30 Parallel co-creation workshops
Security narratives:
Martin Kuntze, Leitung der Abteilung Polizeieinsatz, Polizeipräsidium Rheinpfalz, Germany
Football games: leaders, players and field logic(s)
Klaus Stüllenberg, Founder and CEO of the “Stüllenberg Stiftung”, Münster, Germany
Security companies: Challenge of qualitative and quantitative staff flow
Maarten Worp, Policy Consultant, Safety Region Rotterdam
Organising safety in Rotterdam – designing a secure environment
Marcel Dela Haije, City Marine (Urban Security Director), City of Rotterdam
Dirty cash: subversive crime in shopping streets
Pieter van den Akker, Managing Partner, i-KYC, Amsterdam
Financial inclusion or prevention of financial crime?
Kees Boersma, Associate Professor, Dept. of Organization Science, Vrije Universiteit (VU), Amsterdam Citizen participation during crisis management
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Presentation of the workshop results moderated by Prof. Dr. Babak Akhgar, Sheffield Hallam University, UK, Director of the Centre of Excellence in Terrorism, Resilience, Intelligence and Organised Crime Research (CENTRIC)
14:00 Panel discussion facilitated by Fabio Bisogni, Vice President Fondazione FORMIT, Delegate for Educational Offer and Vice President at the Rome University of International Studies - UNINT, Italy
Panel members:
- Prof. Dr. Liesbet van Zoonen, Dean Erasmus Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities, the Netherlands
- Gerrit van de Kamp, President of the European Police Union, President of the Trade Counsel Security of CESI, President Dutch Police Union (ACP), the Netherlands
- Drs. Anemona Peres, Programme Manager Training Unit, European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX), Poland
- Prof. Dr. Trpe Stojanovski, Professor Faculty of Security, University of Skopje, Macedonia.
- Joost Verbaan LL.M., Lecturer Erasmus University, Director of Erasmus Centre for Penal Studies, the Netherlands
- Prof. Dr. Gail Whiteman, Rubin Chain in Sustainability & Director of the Pentland Centre for Sustainability in Business, Lancaster University, United Kingdom
- Mr. Frank Taal, owner Gallery Frank Taal, the Netherlands
14:45 Closing by Dr. P. Saskia Bayerl, Co-Director Centre of Excellence in Public Safety Management (CESAM)
Location & more information
Erasmus University, Woudestein Campus, Van der Goot Building, Forum Hall, (M3-15)
For more information, please contact Bep Klop: