Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) and Suicide Terrorism Course

09 March 2016 - 11 March 2016
09:00h - 17:00h
Park Hotel, The Hague
Organised by:
Lowlands Solutions Netherlands

On 9-11 March 2016 Lowlands Solutions Netherlands (LSN) will be presenting a three-day, 24 hours, course on Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) and Suicide Terrorism Course at the Park Hotel in The Hague, Netherlands.

This three day (24 hour) “hands-on” program will provide the attendee with a comprehensive overview of the phenomenon of suicide terrorism and Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) Modus Operandi and (Countering) Techniques.

Students attending the Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) and Suicide Terrorism Course will acquire the following skills and competencies:

• Standard Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) Techniques;
• IED Modus Operandi in Recent and Current Conflict;
• Basic Countering IED techniques;
• Understanding the Phenomenon and Psychology of Suicide Terrorism;
• Suicide Terrorism Modus Operandi and Techniques;
• Knowledge of numerous real-time case-studies.