Cyber Security Indonesia (CSI) 2018

05 December 2018 - 07 December 2018
Jakarta Convention Centre
Organised by:
Tarsus Indonesia

Following the successful launch of the Cyber Security Indonesia (CSI) 2017 as an independent cyber security event, the next Cyber Security Indonesia (CSI) would be held at the Jakarta Convention Centre again, 5 – 7 December 2018.


To be hosted by the Indonesia Association of Telecommunication Providers (ATSI) and endorsed by the National Cyber & Cryptography Agency (BSSN), Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (KEMENKO POLHUKAM) and the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (KOMINFO), CSI 2018 provides the opportunity for exhibitors and sponsors to meet, network and sell to key decision makers that include policy makers, security, information and technology officers from Jakarta and major Indonesian provinces of:

1)       Public Sector Enterprises

  • Government Ministries & Departments including the Ministry of Defence (KEMHAN)
  • National Security Agencies including National Police (BARESKRIM) & Armed Forces (TNI)
  • Critical Infrastructure & Public Utilities Operators


2)        Private-Sector Enterprise

  •  Banks & Financial Institution
  •  E-Commerce Companies
  •  Manufacturers


To ensure the attendance of key decision makers, a concurrent high level CSI 2018 conference will be organized to address, inform, share and educate on the current issues, threats and challenges to be cyber-secured. Keynote speakers would include the heads of key government ministries and agencies, and also representatives of national cyber security agencies of various invited countries.