Working Conference on Visualisations & Law

15 November 2018 - 16 November 2018
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Organised by:
Dr. Vanderveen & Jip Willink

New technologies have led to an increase in visuals in the legal system. Different types of visuals are created by various public and private actors, including NGOs, governmental institutions and companies. Drawings, and interactive infographics can be used in different stages in the civil or criminal justice system to enhance comprehension and understanding. However, visuals can also lead to biases and visuals can have unintended and unwanted consequences. The technologies to create, share and present visualizations creates opportunities for business, artists and (legal) designers. Legal visualization, legal design and visual legal communication also necessitates the transformation of law schools and law firms.

We organize a working conference, to bring researchers, (legal) professionals, practitioners and businesses together to discuss how visuals actually work in the legal system, how they affect the people involved. The conference is organized to discuss general themes related to visualizations and law: the role of visualizations in law, how visuals actually work in the legal system and how they affect the people involved.

The working conference will consist of a combination of short presentations with invited speakers and moderated discussions on specific issues.

The working conference intends to result in a:
- basis of an interdisciplinary (research) network;
- problem analysis;
- research agenda: an inventory of the most urgent and relevant research questions.

Grants from the Erasmus Inititative Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity and Research Programme Monitoring Safety and Security make this working conference possible.