HSD Café: Van Triple Helix naar Open Innovatie

04 February 2016
16:00h - 17:45h
HSD Campus
Organised by:

IMPORTANT: This session will be hosted in Dutch!

The Hague Security Delta would like to cordially invite you to the upcoming (Dutch) HSD Café “Van Triple Helix naar Open Innovatie” on February 4th. Innovation is an important driver for economic activity in any region. The Triple Helix, in which government actors, knowledge institutions and business cooperate, is a known model that tends to stimulate such innovation.

Rob de Wijk, strategic advisor of The Hague Security Delta, will give a brief introduction on the topic. He will examine the National Innovation Agenda for Security and assess its relevance in terms of open innovation. Following his introduction, we will host Joep Brouwers, vice director at Brainport Development, who will shine his light on their work, as they connect various actors in the field of technological innovation. Together, these actors design and manufacture the technology of the future to ensure a safe, green and caring society and sustainable economic development of the Netherlands. What can we learn from the work of Brainport? What is the state of a number of projects in the National Innovation Agenda? And which contemporary projects lend themselves to open innovation?

The HSD Café of February 4th has a slightly different format:
From 16:00 until 16:30, two experts will share their insights on the matter through brief presentations:
- Rob de Wijk (Former director, now strategic advisor at The Hague Security Delta) will give a brief introduction on the triple helix and the National Innovation Agenda Security;
- Joep Brouwers (Vice Director at Brainport Development) will elaborate on the concept of open innovation and the work of Brainport Development.

At 16:30, the brief presentations will be followed by a discussion during which questions can be answered.

From 17.00 onwards the bar is open for drinks and there will be ample opportunity to network.

HSD Café Program
16.00-17.00 Presentation + Discussion
17.00-17.45 Drinks and networking

About the HSD Café
The HSD Cafés are organized for HSD partners on every first and third Thursday of each month (except on public holidays). From cyber to critical infrastructure, 20 sessions will be organized around security topics relevant for companies, the government, and knowledge organizations. In the first hour (16.00-17.00) of each HSD Café, an expert will briefly present a security topic, dilemma, or innovation, followed by an informal discussion. The second part of the HSD Café (17.00-17.45) will consist of drinks and a possibility to network.

The HSD Cafés provide an excellent opportunity to meet (potential) business partners, bring along your contacts, expand your knowledge, and shape the debate on key security issues of the future. Tell us what you think. Let your voice count, expand your network, and join the debate.