HSD Expert Roundtable Crisismanagement: Discussing Potential Collaboration on Scientific Evaluations of Cybercrises

04 Feb 2021
Author: HSD Foundation

The increasing complexity of crises, partly due to the ubiquitous cybercomponent, has prompted a new focus on crisismanagement within HSD. In 2020 HSD Office kicked off the theme of crisismanagement with an Expert Roundtable session in which multiple experts came together to discuss topics regarding informationmanagement and training exercises. This session gave rise to organising a second Expert Roundtable focusing on research regarding to cybercrises and cybercrisis-exercises on 26 January 2021.


During this session, several experts from knowledge institutions came together to discuss a potential collaboration on the scientific evaluation of cybercrises and cybercrisis exercises. Participants were the National Cyber Security Centre, The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Institute for Safety (IFV), TNO, with a contribution of Leap innovation Agency.  Sharing lessons learnt during crisis simulations or crises is difficult. As cybercrises deal with sensitive information and security, organisations are hesitant to share information about breaches or crises with others.


The experts agreed that when it comes to scientific evaluation of crises and exercises, there are great opportunities that are being insufficiently utilised: Organisations participate in crisis exercises to learn for themselves, however, there is still very little linkage with researchers to see what is happening from an independent angle.


Follow-up meetings on this topic will be planned throughout the year to discuss these matters and potential collaboration in further detail. Are you interested to join this meetings? Please contact Saskia Noordewier via saskia.Noordewier@thehaguesecuritydelta.com

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