HSD's 10th Annual Meeting: Reflecting on a Special Year  

07 dec 2023
Auteur: HSD Foundation

2023 was a special year for Security Delta (HSD). With our partners, we celebrated our 10th anniversary, launched the Human Capital Agenda 2023-2025 and jointly triggered approximately 39 million euros in investments. This and more was discussed at the HSD Annual Meeting on 7 December.  


HSD partners were invited to reflect on the results of 2023 and the ambitions for 2024. The session was also an opportunity to meet new HSD partners.


2023 highlights include:   

  • With our partners, we have evoked around €39 million in investments, including a €17.1 million grant to stimulate the increase of IT (security) talent for SMEs and €13.5 million for an open Dutch AI language model (NIAN/ChatGPT).

  • We co-organised the International Cyber Security Summer School, knowledge events, learning communities, cyber crisis exercises, access to capital event, Cyber Security Week, Partners for International Business and Globaliser programmes.

  • We launched new projects with the EU consortium SecurIT, organised a Cyber Kracht MKB Cyber Food Tour and organised market consultations with CAI and WorldForum.

  • The Greenport Cyber Resilience Centre grew from 9 to 28 participants in its first year.  Preparations for a manufacturing cyber resilience initiative are well underway. In addition, DTC and RVO announced that they will grant subsidy to set up a Cyber Resilience Centre for the manufacturing industry in South Holland.

  • Together with Centre for Security and Digitalisation (CVD), we launched the The Human Capital Agenda (HCA) Security (2023 - 2026). About 70 parties have contributed to the creation of the agenda and its proposed interventions.
  • As part of our Smart Secure Cities programme, we continued to fulfill our role as Programme Office for the Impact Coalition Safety & Security. Read this booklet for an overview of the Coalition's innovations. 

  • We celebrated our 10th anniversary by sharing knowledge. We did this through our anniversary book, a well-attended anniversary knowledge event and a student event at ROC Mondriaan.  


Joris den Bruinen: "I am proud that we have achieved all this and more, with our enthusiastic HSD team and in close collaboration with our partners and stakeholders. Teamwork makes the dream work!”  


Schermafbeelding 2023 12 07 om 18.07.02


Annual Plan

During the annual meeting we also discussed the ambitions for 2024. We will continue to facilitate access to knowledge, talent, capital, markets and innovation and executing our programmes in the field of Cybersecurity and resilienceData & AI/Intel and Smart secure societies. We do this with and for our partners, with attention for public values, privacy, ethics and security by design.


In addition, we will pay special attention to these programmes:

Read the milestones planned for 2024 in our annual plan


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