CTIT Symposium Smart Societies: Safety, Security & Privacy

09 juni 2015
University of Twente, building Waaier, room 4 (Prof.dr. G. Berkhoff-room)
Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT)

Wherever people meet and interact, in physical or in cyber space, safety, security, and privacy risks emerge. The causes of these risks vary from innocent carelessness, opportunity crime to organized crime and terrorism. Furthermore, the risks are aggravated by inadequate design of both public and cyber spaces and an increasing population. A society can only be termed smart if benevolent citizens are properly protected against these risks.

CTIT’s research aims to make physical and cyber space safer by combining the forces of ICT and social sciences and by close collaboration with all relevant stakeholders in society, in order to design high-tech solutions for problems that are urgent and relevant, tuned to human behaviour and needs. ICT will provide the technology to detect risks and abuse and protect against these. Social sciences will help to understand the behaviour of users and (potential) offenders in order to design technology that is effective, efficient and proportional.

Keynote speakers include Elle de Jonge MSSM (Chief-Inspector/National Project manager LPR Dutch Police), Dr. Ir. Jan Joris Vereijken (Chief Security Architect ING), Prof. Dr. Thorsten Holz (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) and Dr. Andreas Peter (University of Twente). A panel discussion, led by Prof. Dr. Ir. Maarten van Steen (Scientific Director CTIT) will close the day. This discussion will focus on the tensions between protecting privacy, security and safety.

As it has become a tradition, at the CTIT symposium the floor will also be given to PhD students from CTIT for short presentations and posters.