Alert Online Launches Cybersecurity Heroes Campaign

02 Oct 2017
Author: HSD Foundation

On 2 October, During the European Cyber Security Month, the National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism (NCTV) launched Alert Online’s new campaign themed ‘Cybersecurity Heroes’. The campaign aims to increase awareness in online and digital security for consumers and to enforce their digital defensibility.  Because everyone can be a cybersecurity hero: not only by protecting themselves but also by sharing tips with others.

According to the National Cybersecurity Awareness research, the Dutch are naïve when it comes to their own cybersecurity. According to the research, people underestimate the dangers and overestimate their own cybersecurity capabilities. Almost half of the Dutch population expresses concerns about their cybersecurity but relatively few people actually works to actively protect their online security.


Moreover, the Dutch tend to think they have sufficient cybersecurity skills. The majority expresses to act (very) well when it comes to online dangers. However, the majority of the questioned adults and kids admit they do not know how to recognise a safe wifi-network. Every one out of three kids admits to click on unfamiliar links or banners when surfing the internet, which makes them vulnerable for cyber attacks. And even though kids do often talk about cybersecurity with their parents, parents are not really actively involved with what their kids do online.


The campaign therefore aims to increase cybersecurity awareness amongst both adults and children. 

About the research
The National Cybersecurity Awareness research was conducted on behalf of NCTV amongst 1123 respondents within the age of 13-80 years and 108 primary school kids from classes 7 and 8. The research was conducted online.

Alert Online
Alert Online is an initiative of NCTV, which facilitates government, businesses, educational institutes and consumers and stimulates them to work together on cybersecurity and on acting cyber secure. During the year, Alert Online organises varying activities together with partners to create awareness for cybersecurity.


Source: Alert Online


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