UK-NL Cyber Security Event & Knowledge Exchange

02 Nov 2016
Author: HSD Foundation

On November 30th the UK-NL Cyber Security Showcase event will take place in the Hilton Hotel The Hague. This is an interesting event for HSD partners who already are active within the UK cyber security field as well as for those who want to expand their international business strategies. At the first UK-NL Cyber Security Showcase, the Department for International Trade the Netherlands brings together 25 of the most innovative UK & NL-based cyber security companies to showcase their knowledge, products and services. The UK-NL Cyber Security Showcase will present the latest cyber security capabilities, innovations and thoughts on cyber security in the United Kingdom and The Netherlands. With a mixed programme of speakers from the United Kingdom and The Netherlands the urgency and need for strong cyber security will become visible. These talks will be alternated with pitches from the participating companies to present their solutions for today’s cyber security threats. The all-day exhibition gives you the opportunity to meet each company individually. British companies and organisations visiting the UK-NL Cyber Security Showcase event will also visit the HSD campus.


Keynotes, Cybertalks & Cyberpitches

Several HSD partners will give presentations during the event:

Joep Gommers, Founder & CEO EclecticIQ  keynote on Comparing the UK-NL Cyber Security Industries

Hans de Vries, Head National Cyber Security Centre Netherlands (NCSC) compares UK-NL Cyber Security Strategies

Elsine van Os, Founder & CEO of Signpost Six The Human Factor in Cyber Security: Behavioural Intelligence

And with Cyber pitches from: Compumatica, Radically Open Security & Nováccent.


For more info about the event browse here.





HSD Partners involved