NCSC Publishes Cyber Security Assessment: CSBN 2016

06 Sep 2016
Author: HSD Foundation

The National Cyber Security Centre of The Netherlands (NCSC) published their yearly report on September 5th concerning the status of cyber security in The Netherlands, 'Cybersecuritybeeld Nederland 2016 (CSBN)'. The report shows that cyber criminals increasingly become more inventive in their methods of cyber attacks. In the last year different kinds of high level attacks with highly organised structures were aimed at financial theft and retrieving valuable information. Besides the government, organisations and companies, many civilians were also subjected to these kinds of theft.


The threat of cyber criminals are an increasing threat to the digital security of The Netherlands according to the report. State secretary Dijkhoff offered the report to the House of Representatives. The CSBN gives insight into the interests, threats and defensibility and the developments in the area of cyber security.


According to the report there are four trends:

  • Professional criminals have evolved into sophisticated actors and carry out long-lasting and high-quality operations.
  • Digital economic espionage by foreign intelligence services put the competitiveness of the Netherlands under pressure.
  • Ransomware is commonplace and has become even more advanced.
  • Advertising networks have not yet been able to cope with malvertising.


HSD underlines the trends that are menitioned in the report. In 'The National Cyberplan Investment Program', a report written by HSD in April of this year, HSD calls for a national cyber plan with a public-private approach in a network structure that encourages and facilitates innovations in cyber security and the protection of critical infrastructures.


The report is also available in English. Browse for more info here.

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