Cyber Security Academy Develops New Master Cyber Security Engineer

02 Mar 2016
Author: HSD Foundation

On 2 March a meeting to discuss the profile of a new master programme in Cyber Security for Engineers took place at the HSD Campus. This Cyber Security master is the second master by the Cyber Security Academy (CSA), a partnership for the development of postgraduate education for cyber security professionals of Leiden University, TU Delft and The Hague University of Applied Sciences (HHS). The Master is being developed in close cooperation between CSA, the Hague University of Applied Sciences -particularly the Centre of Expertise- and partner organisations. After accreditation, it will officially be a part of the training programmes offered by the HHS.

The purpose of the meeting was to test whether the ideas about the cyber security master for engineers are matching with the needs of the professional field. The input of the participating parties has been of great value for matching the master programme’s curriculum to the day-to-day operations of organisations active in the cyber security field, creating a more compatible workforce.  

Cyber security expert number 1 on list jobs of the future
A recent list with top 10 jobs of the future jobs features cyber security experts as the number one. Numbers two and three are virtual reality and internet of things developer and data scientist. Within HSD the partners work together on creating these future talents, for example the Cyber Security Academy with their master Cyber Security and their new master Cyber Security for Engineers. Qualified personnel is of great importance for the creation of innovative security solutions and thus the protection of organisations and society as a whole. It is only with qualified staff that the Dutch security cluster will be able to realise more jobs, more business activity, and a safer world. For a more detailed list of the jobs of the future click here.

HSD Partners involved