2nd Cybersecurity Globaliser completed

01 Jun 2021
Author: HSD Foundation

Cybersecurity is more relevant than ever before. In an increasingly digitised economy, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, companies need to increase their resilience against cyber threats. The Dutch cybersecurity sector has a strong reputation internationally and a growing number of Dutch scale-ups are successfully expanding to new markets. Several initiatives and programs are initiated to help cybersecurity scale-ups grow internationally.


One of the programs is the Cybersecurity Globaliser. This special 12-week training is focused on a successful international expansion for Dutch cybersecurity and fintech scale-ups, and is hosted by DutchBasecamp and InnovationQuarter, supported by HSD. After successfully completing a first edition of the Globaliser Cybersecurity in 2020, the second edition came to an end last month. This year, seven scale-ups were selected for the 2021 cohort of the Cybersecurity Globaliser. The selected Cybersecurity scale-ups were: Awen Collective, Audittrail, Fraud Dynamics, MMOX, Smartlockr, Ubiqu and Zynyo.


The participants kicked-off the program with a first session on client segmentation. Discussing reasons to internationalise and creating detailed customer profiles set the stage for the second session of the program: the target markets analysis. In the sessions following, they looked at financial aspects of internationalising a business and drafter their internationalisation strategies and roadmaps. In total there were four general sessions in the program, and the program was finished off with a final session where all participants pitched their growth strategies to one-another Through the attendance of many true experts, valuable experiences and practical feedback helped the participating scale-ups in finalising their internationalisation plans.


The Globaliser Cybersecurity is there to help these scale-ups with selecting the right target markets, building localised Go-to-Market strategies, and structuring their organisation in a way that it can execute the international strategy, without losing focus on their home market. The programme has been made possible by contributions of the City of The Hague, the Province of Zuid-Holland and RVO.


Because of the success of the first two editions a third edition of the Globaliser may be possible.


Would you like to know more about the Cybersecurity Globaliser? Click here

Read also the latest LinkedIn posts about the Globaliser! 


HSD Partners involved