HSD Café: Drones

05 June 2014
16:00h - 17:45h
HSD Campus, Wilhelmina van Pruisenweg 104, 2594 AN, The Hague
Organised by:
The Hague Security Delta and sponsored by Aerialtronics

The theme of this HSD Café will be Drones
The proliferation of drone technology has led to new security questions. Such “Unmanned Areal Vehicles” (UAVs), often referred to as ‘drones’, are used for a wide range of purposes. The vast majority of drones performs security related tasks, military and civil. In what directions is current drone technology going, what drives this development and what are its implications for the civilian domain?

This café will be sponsored by Aerialtronics. Aerialtronics designs, produces and services unmanned aircraft systems. Aerialtronics’ core product line is the Altura, which is renowned for its reliability, stability and versatility.



About the HSD Café
16.00-17.00 Presentation + Discussion
17.00-17.45 Drinks and networking

The HSD Cafés are organized for HSD partners on every first and third Thursday of each month (except on public holidays). From cyber to critical infrastructure, 20 sessions will be organized around security topics relevant for companies, the government, and knowledge organizations. In the first hour (16.00-17.00) of each HSD Café, an expert will briefly present a security topic, dilemma, or innovation, followed by an informal discussion. The second part of the HSD Café (17.00-17.45) will consist of drinks and a possibility to network.

The HSD Cafés provide an excellent opportunity to meet (potential) business partners, bring along your contacts, expand your knowledge, and shape the debate on key security issues of the future. Tell us what you think. Let your voice count, expand your network, and join the debate!

Unfortunately there is no parking available underneath the HSD Campus. From 14.00h. you can park for free in the neighbourhood.